Curse of Curiosity? Wannabe Everything I Discover

Growing up in a small village in a poor family, my world was pretty limited. Most of my time before university was spent working on farms or in factories, just to make some money. I had no clue about the internet or anything beyond my village. 

It took me a while to realize my potential, in 2015, I started university and was introduced to the internet and computers. It was a game-changer. Even though our professors weren’t much help, I dove right into exploring everything these new tools could offer. That’s how I ended up in software security—I turned out to be good at it.

Once I became financially stable, my curiosity exploded. I wanted to learn everything about everything. It's fascinating to consider how much human potential is wasted because of financial constraints. When securing food for the table is a daily struggle, our focus is solely on survival, not on maximizing our intellectual or creative capacities. Only when freed from financial shackles can one truly explore their passions to the fullest. Until financial stability is achieved, our pursuits are primarily aimed at earning a living. But once stability is attained, we can begin to explore what truly resonates with us. It led to me being more curious and learning and exploring the world. As I started exploring, as someone said I realized "The more I learn the less I know" which sometimes is upsetting but doesn't stop me from exploring. Here are a few things I am exploring these days.


With music, I didn’t just want to listen; I wanted to create my own. So, I bought a guitar and started teaching myself. It was tough, and I soon realized that making music wasn’t as easy as hitting some keys on a keyboard. I switched to a keyboard, mastered some easy tunes like 'Für Elise,' but even then, adding bass lines was a struggle. Next, I tried out music software. It dawned on me that I was trying to run before I could walk—I needed a solid understanding of music theory. Now, I’m trying to decide whether to stick with the guitar or the piano. Learning both seems overwhelming and could take years. I know a bit of both, like some basic guitar chords, and I can read music and play by ear on the piano after working on a song for hours. Jumping between instruments isn't a waste; I’m definitely improving. But I’m not sure it’s the most efficient way to learn.


Lately, I’ve been diving into books, such as philosophy, and science. One of the books which moved me a lot is Richard Feynman’s 'Six Easy Pieces' and 'Six Not So Easy Pieces.' My college physics and math classes were a joke—just formulas and equations with no connection to the real world. Feynman’s books opened my eyes to what physics could be. I felt sad that I hadn’t been exposed to this fascinating side of science earlier. Though I doubt I’ll delve into hardcore physics now, I’m content just appreciating the beauty of science and being amazed by it.


I enjoy almost every sport out there. If there’s an opportunity to play some unknown game, I’ll play right away and strive to be good at it. My brain even suggests I could become a professional in X sport. Sometimes, I feel like I could have been a great athlete if I had started practising very hard from childhood.

Is curiosity a curse? 

I’ve often pondered my range of interests, from entrepreneurship and music to sports and content creation. The more I consider it, the more I realize my desire to make a significant impact, whether as a physicist, musician, or athlete. 

While curiosity is a powerful driver, exploring many interests simultaneously might not be the most efficient approach given the limited time we have. Aiming to impact others might mean focusing deeply rather than being a 'jack of all trades, master of none'—unless the goal isn't about mastery and just for myself, in which case embracing a broad range of interests can be fulfilling.

Further, Had I been raised among musicians, I’m confident I could have become a proficient musician, and likely the same holds true for athletics. I've never got environments to excel I made them because of curiosity, and hopefully, I can make for these current interests. Also, I’m sceptical about my potential in physics due to the limitations of my brain.

It’s evident that our environment and the people around us can significantly influence our abilities. My college experience, where working closely with peers deeply involved in cybersecurity helped me excel, is a testament to this. If I aim to pursue music or any other field, surrounding myself with experts in those areas would be beneficial.

Ultimately, curiosity isn’t a curse but a boon. It has profoundly shaped my current path. This same curiosity may just be what enables me to commit to and excel in another field alongside cybersecurity. Let us see what the future holds!